"It's not easy being in my position because it creates so much sensationalism and tabloid. People lie. They create rumors and stories and none of its true and it's very, very difficult, you know? It's not easy, it's very hard, and you end up, you hurt sometimes and you try to be as resilient as possible but it's very, very difficult because there's tabloids who, they hate, they're jealous. When you read this, know it's a lie. Don't believe it. Burn it. We should have a tabloid burning. Make a mountain out of them and just destroy them. What can I do but bring forth the talent that God gave me? That's all I wanted to do- to share the love and gift of entertainment. That's all I want to do. I don't want to hurt anybody."

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Publicerat det: 2014-01-09 | Klockan: 19:20:00 | Kategori: Hans egna ord


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