













Try and think of a person who became an international success before he hit puberty, gave millions of dollars to charity (and subsequently saved thousands of lives), was an innovator of dance and fashion, and changed the music industry and increased its standards to levels that had never even been contemplated. Try and think of a person who’s music has touched more lives and been bought by more people than any other person’s music on the planet, who united countries, religions and races. Think of someone who stayed humble despite his overwhelming success and became the international symbol for love and peace when he was alive. Someone who was in tremendous physical and mental pain for about 40 years and to this day every supposedly damning story or ‘fact’ about him has been proven wrong. Think of someone who broke racial barriers and fought against the discrimination against sex, age, sexuality and race since he was a child. This person gave more to charity than any other performer in the world and brought more people together than any other singer or political party.
The only person who fits all of this criteria is Michael Jackson. This is why we say there can never be another King Of Pop, there will never be another Michael.
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Listening to Mike’s entire catalogue from beginning to end I imagine is a pretty emotional experience because you can just hear how he went from singing for pure joy when he was younger to singing to vent his anger as he got older.
He just got progressively more angry at the world, and it’s so sad to think about.
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"I randomly watched that interview with MJ and Lisa Marie and I’m just…In a bad mood because…They interviewer (Diane Swayer) is talking to him about how his HIStory promo is the biggest example of concieted celeb and he’s getting people to worship him and other bullshit ….I dunno it just makes me sad because this man NEVER said he was King although he knew it. He was humble I would say- even to a FAULT. He makes a promo with white girls fainting over him, a statue of himself being erected, and you call him egotistical and such, when this man NEVER had a Kanye I’m the best/better than you moment even though he had EVERY right too. And it’s like… All he got was shit for EVERYTHING I don’t know how he did it it astounds me.
Like in that (ugh I hate to even talk about it) Martin Bashir interview, where Michael’s like “I like to climb trees” and the guy goes oh you like to climb trees more than having sex? YO. The man said he like to climb fucking trees why you tryin so hard to make him like some freak over a simple statement. That’s like… you saying to me “I like drinking tea” and I go “what you like drinking tea more than having sex wow you’re a sexless child like freak” NAH FAM. Person said they like to drink tea what the fuck does that response got to do with ANYTHING
Like they never let him LIVE. The lady asked him if he wished he still had “black skin” and Mike is straight up like “I love being black next.” I don’t know how he did it. That love in his heart… And no one even acknowledges that"
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it’s close to midnight…and something evil’s lurking in the dark….