Your music crosses over, you know, to all different styles and other artists haven't done this before...
Well, I, like I said before, I create right from the heart. There's no chemistry that I know of, I just project what I feel. The biggest influence for me was the '60s; The Motown and The Beatles, and Carpenters. And I don't know if all that had a big influence on me, I'm sure it did, and I just project how I feel.
Neapocalypse - ・゚♥ ✞ - alternativ blogg & hästblogg ♥ | Datum: 2013-05-06 Tid: 16:33:32
sv; tack så himla mycket! :D
marina | Datum: 2013-05-06 Tid: 17:38:25
sv. Tack så mycket. :)
♦ Madeleine - I always do it my way! | Datum: 2013-05-06 Tid: 21:01:31
Sv; Tack så mycket! :)
Häftig blogg :)