"Ive never seen my baby so genuinely sad. She just realized her ultimate favorite person, Michael Jackson, won’t come to her house because he is heaven. She doesnt know he is dead yet, but “he lives too far away” to visit her, and thats enough to break her heart. (Yes, I almost cried because she literally sobbed and hugged his picture tightly)"


Alla bilder från inspelningen av "In the closet" är slurp.


Den här bilden får en att bara leeeeeee...


HÄR smyger han in låttiteln "Slave to the rhythm" i intervjun med Oprah, haha! Sneaky, sneaky, sneaky...


Anonym: Vad tycker du om "Slave to the rhythm"?
Menar du originalversionen eller Xscape-versionen? Eller som låt, rent allmänt? Jag gillar båda versionerna. I början tyckte jag bara om originalversionen, för jag gillade bakgrundmusiken på den mer (jag uppskattade inte heller att de hade ändrat känslan i så där stor grad). Men nu när jag ha vant mig gillar jag också Xscape-versionen och lyssnar på den ofta (kedjorna i början är så mäktiga). Allmänt, uppskattar jag låtens budskap. Michael sjunger om så varierande typer av relationer i sina låtar, så varierande historier, och just den här handlar om en kvinna som är fast i en relation med en mycket kontrollerande man och hennes önskningar blir totalt ignorerade. Jag vet att Michael gillade den här låten, för han jobbade på den av och till under flera år. (Han till och med smyger in låttiteln i intervjun med Oprah, på frågan om varför han jämt gör the crotch grab, haha!!! Han började ju jobba på den vid den tiden). Vad tycker du om låten?


Här uppträder Jackson 5 med "Don't say goodbye again" på Soul Train 1973.


"He would always take time to see the sights. When we were rehearsing in Liverpool, he stopped the practice session so that we could look at some beautiful clouds that had wafted in. That's Michael. They closed down the Louvre in Paris for a whole day while Michael and the rest of us went through. In Rome, Franco Zeffirelli gave him a big party. All of the créme de la créme was there, and suddenly Zaffirelli couldn't find Michael. He looked all over and found Michael in a room with a bunch of kids in their pajamas, playing. He's the most natural, loving person I've ever known, a very good person, as corny as that sounds. He'll see a picture of a baby, and if it's cute kid, he will go gaga over the picture. During the tour, on his nights off, he would go into a toy store and buy ten of this and ten of that and then stay up all night long putting batteries into toys, making certain each one worked so that he could have them ready to give to kids backstage the next day. As if he didn't have enough to worry about."
~ Seth Riggs, Michaels vocal coach (Han talar om tiden under BAD Tour)


When Michael was driving his Rolls while wearing a disguise, he was stopped by a police officer who thought the automobile "looks like a stolen car." (Of course, there is a prevailing racism among some police officers in America who routinely stop blacks who are driving expensive cars.) Michael didn't have his license with him. Worse, he had an outstanding ticket. The officer didn't believe he was the Michael Jackson, even when he removed his disguise. The next thing he knew, he was in the Van Nuys jail. Bill Bray bailed him out. Afterward, Michael said, "It was the coolest thing, ever. I never thought I'd go to jail. I loved every second of it."
~ J. Randy Taraborrelli



Michael has said that, initially, after leaving the stage, he was disappointed with his performance. His plan, when he went up on his toes, was to simply stay there, suspended infinitely. Just as well that he didn’t; the house could not have handled it. As it was, they went nuts when he showed up at the after party, held at an indoor shopping mall across the street that Motown shut down and converted into a massive disco.


As his security team wedged him through the crush of excited well-wishers, Tops,  Tempts, Supremes and others pushed their way toward Jackson as if they themselves weren’t legends, as if they hadn’t made music that influenced and inspired this man. Chaos ensued. It was all Jackson’s bodyguards could do to turn him around and push him back out to his limo out front.


Those of us lucky enough to attend the taping had to wait weeks for the show to air. Would Jackson’s performance be all that we’d raved to anyone who’d listen? Yes, even to the Jacksons. Rebbie Jackson told me when the show aired, they, like other viewers across America, taped it off the TV. The next day, friends, entertainers and assorted dignitaries, acknowledging that the universe had indeed tilted, phoned, sent flowers and wired kudos. “People came by Hayvenhurst (the Jackson home in Encino) all day long,” she said. “It was as if someone got married or brought a baby home from the hospital. We played that tape over and over all day until it broke.”


And the day after Motown 25 aired, all retail hell broke loose.  At the height of its phenomenal sales history, the album was nationally selling half a million copies a week. With more than one million copies sold in Los Angeles aloneThriller demanded its own zip code.







Enligt J. Randy Taraborrelli var Michael oskuld vid 26 år.




Michael gillade inte Princes film Purple Rain (1984) när han såg den på premiären för han tyckte delvis att kvinnor inte behandlades bra i den.








Det var faktiskt Michael, genom Frank Dileo, som startade ryktet om att han sov i en syrgaskammare. Charles Montgomery, som då jobbade för tidningen Enquirer och som hjälpte Frank Dileo att sprida ryktet, har sagt: "Michael is one of the smartest entertainers in the business. He knows how to get his name out there. He knows about PR. He knows how to control his career. I think he's brilliant."
Michael blev häpen över hur stor denna falska nyhet blev. "I can't believe that people bought it. It's like I can tell the press anything about me and they'll buy it", ska Michael ha sagt, som om han insåg sin kommunikationsmakt. "We can actually control the press. I think this is an important breakthrough for us", sammanfattade han.
Detsamma gäller elefantmannens ben; Michael var också den som startade ryktet om att han hade köpt dem.
Både Michael och Frank ansåg ryktena vara harmlösa. Dock började media sprida lögn efter lögn efter lögn, nya konstiga historier som de hittade på, efter dessa två, när de insåg att det sålde miljontals tidningar.


"Interestingly, Michael cannot read music. He writes his songs in his head, sings them onto a tape, and then hires musicians to put them down on paper. He is an incredibly musical person, however. The notes he imagines, and the way he hears them composed in song, often astound the most trained of musicians." ~ J. Randy Taraborrelli


Jag blir frustrerad över brorsorna.
I dokumentären Michael Jackson: The life of an icon säger Tito: "It's sad, because I really feel that trial is what really depressed my brother out to the point where he just wasn't happy. He never went back to Neverland. For Michael not to go to Neverland, he must have been pretty sad, didn't want have nothing to do with that place ever again."
Men, i intervjun med Skavlan (där alla bröder, förutom Randy, var med) blir de väldigt upprörda över Skavlans fråga om att han var "in a bad place" i slutet av sitt liv. De skyller på media, att media ger helt fel bild av situationen. Kolla själva.
Nu håller jag på att läsa The magic, The madness, The whole story av J. Randy Taraborrelli och jag blev nöjd då denna ganska långvariga frustration reflekterades av författaren (som träffat Michael många gånger och som också är med i dokumentären). Taraborrelli skriver: "Without a doubt, the most annoying thing about the Jacksons' behavior over the years has been their frustrating inabaility to take responsobility for their own actions. Over the years, all of them have pointed fingers to external sources for their internal problems. Either it's managers, promoters, the public or, their favorite foe, "the media" that is held responsible for their problems – never themselves. Of course, the truth is that they almost always create their own internal dysfunction."
Jag rekommenderar verkligen den här boken. Jag förstår Michael mycket mer. Jag förstår varför han exempelvis distanserade sig själv från sina bröder i början av 80-talet. Vad vet bröderna om hans sista tid i livet ändå? Om ni har läst livvakternas Protecting Michael Jackson in his final days så vet ni att Michael i stort sett aldrig träffade någon annan än Katherine från familjen. Och några familjemedlemmar har skyllt på att det var Michaels anställda som höll familjen borta från honom (däribland Joe och Jermaine), men sanningen är den att Michael ofta inte ville träffa dem. Han blev ofta pressad av dem till att göra saker som han inte ville, däribland Victory Tour. Och jag vet att det är komplicerat, när de är familj och när de var ett band. Men de gav honom inte mycket val annat än att distansera sig själv från dem, när han ville gå solo (vilket han var tvungen att göra, han kunde inte alltid bära sina bröder). Det var mycket avundsjuka mot Michaels framgång mellan bröderna, även om de förnekar det. Jag förstår också, tack vare denna bok, mycket mer varför Michael var så ledsen under sin ungdom.
Ni borde helt enkelt läsa den här boken. Och livvakternas. Jag har läst Jermaines bok också, men familjens böcker (även Michaels Moonwalk) berättar inte den fulla sanningen, för de var och är tvungna att skydda sin image om "familjestyrka". De älskade varandra, men sanningen är att de inte var så nära som de vill få oss att tro.


Without the success of Off The Wall, there would have been no Thriller or Bad. Made in the years before Jackson could exploit his dancing talents in music videos, Off The Wall had to be exception musically to sell then-amazing seven million copies. Back in 1983, Quincy noted, “Michael has got all you need emotionally, but he backs it up with discipline and pacing. He’ll never burn himself out because he’s always on the case about knowing his direction and how he’d like to grow. He’d come in during Off The Wall and put down two lead vocals and three background parts in one day. He does his homework. Most singers want to do everything in the studio. They’re lazy. Michael Jackson is going to be the biggest star of the eighties and ninties.” It’s crucial to remember Quincy said that before Thriller.~ NELSON GEORGE


Michael ville egentligen inte gå med Brooke Shields, som dejt, på Grammy Awards 1984. Kort före galan kom Brooke förbi Michaels hem i Encino och frågade om de skulle gå tillsammans, och Michael vågade inte säga nej för han var rädd att såra hennes känslor. Några månader senare, frågade en av Michaels anställda, Steve Howell, medan de tittade på bilder från eventet, "What's she like?" Då svarade Michael nonchalant: "Oh, she's okay. There was no romance. All of this was strictly for her, for the sake of publicity". Under galan höll han Emmanuel Lewis hela tiden i närheten, kanske därför att påminna Brooke – och kanske media – att han inte var intresserad av henne på det sättet.


Kan vi bara ta ett ögonblick och uppskatta att barnen inte har blivit utseendefixerade? Såsom Kardashians/Jenners som varje dag måste vara superfixade och ha dyra märkeskläder, eller Will Smiths barn.


At this time, a nineteen-year-old friend of Michael's, Theresa Gonslves (whom he first met in November 1974 when she went to Las Vegas to see the group for her sixteenth birthday), telephoned him to say she was going to New York for a visit. They made plans to see each other.
  "When I got to the apartment building, he told the doorman to send me up," Theresa recalled. "'Toya answered the door. She was irritated. 'Michael didn't tell me that the two of you made plans," she said. It was as if he was supposed to check with her before he made plans, which he hadn't.
  "So I asked 'Toya where he was, and she said that he was in the kitchen baking chocolate chip cookies. After Michael and I talked and ate the cookies, I took a look around. The suit had a balcony. Michael used to like to hang over it like he was going to jump. He loved acting like a fool to upset his sister. 'Toya had the most wonderful room, a real showplace with a huge bed and a mirror above it, a penthouse beedroom fitting a befitting a star. Michael had a small, simple bedroom with a twin-sized bed in it and a desk. I asked myself, Why does she have such a great room and he's stuck with this?"
One day, Michael returned from the studio very excited about a new structure that had been built for his character at the studio. "Follow me," he told Theresa. She followed him into his modest bedroom. As the two of them stood at his desk, he started showing her a scrapbook of photographs of the movie set.
  "So what do you think?" Great, huh?" Michael asked.
  "Yes, you're so lucky," Theresa enthused.
  Michael closed the book and looked into Theresa's eyes. thoughtfully. He tilted his head and leaned over to her, awkwardly. At that moment, LaToya walked into the room. "What's going on in here?" she wanted to know. Michael pulled back nervously.
  "So anyway, I uh..." he stammered.
  Years later, Theresa would recall, "I wanted him to kiss me so badly. And I know he would have if 'Toya hadn't surprised us."
~ The Magic, The Madness, The Whole Story, J. Randy Taraborrelli


Här kan ni se ceremonin då Gardner Elementary School tillägnade Michael Jackson Auditorium i hans ära.


By 1972, the older Jacksons had left a long trail of broken hearts as they toured the country, city by city. Then they rented an apartment near their house in Encino, where they could hang out with their female conquests away from Katherine's scrutiny.
  Rhonda Phillips was one of "those" girls. Today, she is a fourty-nine-year-old divorcée who lives with her three children in Long Beach, California. Back in August 1972, she was eighteen when she met her idol, Jackie, who was twenty-one. She had been selected from the audience by one of the group's road managers when the brothers were on stage at the Forum in Inglewood, California. Backstage, Jackie gave Rhonda a slip of paper with an address on it and told her to meet him at that location in an hour. As she mulled over his offer, she sensed someone behind her, and turned around. It was Michael. "He was just a cute little guy," she said. "He had big teeth, a flat, wide nose, a perfectly combed natural; he looked like any pretty fourteen-year-old black boy you'd find in the neighbourhood. He noticed the slip of paper in my hand."
  "Did Jermaine give you that?" he asked.
  "No, Jackie."
  "He wants you to meet him, doesn't he?" he asked.
  "Yes," Rhonda said. "I don't know if I should –"
  Michael cut her off. "Don't," he said. "I don't think you should meet him."
  Rhonda asked Michael why she shouldn't go. She remembered his answer: "My brothers don't treat girls too good. They can be mean. Please, don't go."
  Rhonda remembered thinking that Michael was only fourteen; what could he know? She changed the subject and asked him for his autograph. She thrust forward the piece of paper Jackie had given her, he scribbled on it and handed it back to her.
  The group's representative had arranged the cab fare for Rhonda to meet Jackie. She was taken to the Jacksons' apartment in Encino. As the car pulled up to the curb, she happened to turn over the slip of paper in her hand and realized that Michael had written more than just his name on the back of it. There was a message: "I hope you don't go." It was signed "Michael Jackson."
  She went inside the apartment complex, found the Jacksons' and had sex with Jackie. "I won't be able to see you after this," he told her when they were finished. She began to cry.
  "Suddenly, I was ashamed," she recalled many years later. "He held me for a little while and then told me that someone from Motown would be waiting outside to take me home. He kissed me, and I left. The whole thing took less than half an hour."
  As Rhonda was walking down to the street, a white Rolls-Royce pulled up. Michael and Marlon were sitting in the backseat. The car pulled up to the curb. The boys got out and Marlon ran past Rhonda up to the apartment. Michael came over to her.
  "What are you doing here?" he asked, his tone accusatory. "Were you up there with Jackie?"
  "Yeah, I was," she answered.
  "Did you have sex?" Michael wanted to know.
  Rhonda began to cry.
  Michael shook his head sadly. "I'm sorry," he said. "Did he make you do it?"
  "No, of course not. I wanted to."
  "You wanted to?" Michael asked, seeming astonished. "But why would you want to?"
  Rhonda got into the car. She rolled down the window. Michael was still standing at the curb. "Are you gonna be all right?" he asked.
  "Yeah, I will be," she answered.
  "By now, I was sobbing," Rhonda recalled. "I rolled up the window and the car pulled off. I looked out the back window and the last thing I saw was Michael Jackson standing there waving goodbye to me."
~ The Magic, The Madness, The Whole Story, J. Randy Taraborrelli


11 oktober 1989 tillägnade Gardner Elementary School (hans gamla skola) Michael Jackson Auditorium i Michaels ära. Michael var med på ceremonin. 2003, på grund av pedofilanklagelsen, valde skolan att täcka för hans namn på byggnaden. Efter hans bortgång dock, tack vare fansens kamp, så är hans namn återigen synligt.
(Detta gör mig extremt ledsen. Tänk bara vad ledsen han måste ha varit! Detta är ett av många exempel på hur alltför många inte uppskattade honom när han fortfarande levde...)


"This was an emotional song that menat a lot to me when I wrote it. I was worried that Michael might not understand the lyrics of pain and heartbreak. I recall him asking about one of the lines. 'What's this word mean? Anguish,' he asked me. I explained it. He shrugged his shoulders and just sang the line. 'There's that anguish, there's that doubt,' he sang. And I believed him." ~ CLIFTON DAVIS (om låten "Never can say goodbye")


Jag har hållit utkik efter "Musikvideons historia", ett program på SVT, och väntat och väntat på att de ska visa om Michael. För man kan inte tala om musikvideons historia utan att placera Michael i toppen. Så min glädje när jag satte på TV:n och såg att det skulle visas inom 20 minuter! Jag rös, jag blev tårögd, när jag såg det här programmet. Han var så fantastisk. Så smart. Så målmedveten. Så visuell. Han slutar aldrig att sprida magi i mitt hjärta.
Ni kan se programmet på SVT Play, klicka här.


"I remember him being talented, yes," Etta James said of Michael, "but polite and very interested, too. I was working my show, doing my thing on stage, and as I'm singing 'Tell Mama,' I see this little black kid watching me from the wings. And I'm thinking, Who is this kid? He's distracting me. So I go over to him in between songs, while the people are clapping, and I whisper, 'Scat, kid! Get lost. You're buggin' me. Go watch from the audience.' I scared the hell out of him. He had these big ol' brown eyes, and he opened them real wide and ran away.
  "About ten minutes later, there's this kid again. Now he's standing in front of the stage, off to the side. And he's watching me as I work."
  After the show, when Etta was in her dressing room taking off her makeup, there was a knock on the door.
  "Who is it?" she asked.
  "It's me."
  "Who's me?"
  "Michael," the young voice said. "Michael Jackson."
  "I don't know no Michael Jackson," Etta said.
  "Yes, you do. I'm that little kid you told to scat."
  Etta, a robust black woman with dyed blond hair and a big, booming voice, cracked the door open and looked down to find a nine-year-old gazing up at her with large, wondering eyes. "Watchu want, boy?" she asked.
  In a manner that wasn't the least bit timid, Michael said, "Miss James, my father told me to come on back here and 'pologize to you. I'm sorry, ma'am, but I was just watchin' you 'cause you're so good. You're just so good. How do you do that? I never seen people clap like that."
  Etta, now flattered, smiled and patted the boy on the head. "Come on in here and sit with me," she said. "I can teach you a few tricks."
  "I don't remember what I told him," Etta recalled, "but I remember thinking as he was leaving, Now, there's a boy who wants to learn from the best, so one day he's gonna be the best."
~ The Magic, The Magness, The Whole Story, J. Randy Taraborrelli



Marlon, Michael och Tito leker The Supremes, haha! Michael njuterrrr!!! Haha!



Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958 — June 25, 2009)


“There was a boy, a very strange enchanted boy. They say he wandered very far, very far, over land and sea. A little shy and sad of eye, but very wise was he.

& then one day, a magic day, he passed my way, and while we spoke of many things, fools and kings, this he said to me:

“The greatest thing you’ll ever learn Is just to love and be loved in return.”




Ingen hemlighet att Michael älskade Ed Hardy-kläder, då han och barnen bar det många gånger. Här shoppar han med märkets skapare, Christian Audigier, 27 februari 2009.





Marlon wasn’t like our other kids; when he was little he used to play very often alone and didnt like to share, totally introverted, The lost of his twin might have been the main reason, because when Michael was born, Marlon started to be more open and felt soon good with his brothers and sisters, especially Michael, he, i think, found in him another twin… and they soon became inseparable. ~ Joe Jackson


När han gjorde den där lilla dansen mellan 1:38-1:45 fangirlade jag så hårt!
Och det lilla skrattet vid 3:27 >>>>


"I appreciate all my fans. On all occasions. Everyday of my life."


Anonym: Nästan lika bra som när han kallar Randy " ugly ape" xDD
Vaaaa, när sa han det, haha? :D



"MJ will be my new name. No more Michael Jackson. I want a whole new character, a whole new look. I should be a tottally [sic] different person. People should never think of me as the kid who sang "ABC," [or] "I Want You Back." I should be a new, incredible actor/singer/dancer that will shock the world. I will do no interviews. I will be magic. I will be a perfectionist, a researcher, a trainer, a masterer [sic]. I will be better than every great actor roped into one. I "must" have the most incredible training system. To dig and dig and dig until I find.


I will study and look back on the whole world of Entertainment and perfect it. Take it steps further from where the greats left off."


Michael Jackson


"I still had our hit records to be proud of, and once I hit the stage, I didn’t think about anything else. All that worry was gone. But once I came offstage, there was that mirror to face again.” ~ Moonwalk


Michael följd av Marlon.
Är det konstigt att man blir lite avis när Marlon rör Michaels rumpa?


Michael blir välkomnad av Israeli Defence Force (IDF) marching band i Israel, september 1993.


Baby boy <3


Jag undrar verkligen om Macaulay Culkin hänger nå med Michaels barn numera? Har ju inte sett dem tillsammans på ett tag! Macaulay är Prince och Paris gudfar om ni inte visste det.


"A lot of people are so used to to just seeing the outcome of work. They never see the side of the work you go through to produce the outcome." ~ Michael Jackson
Det här citatet är så viktigt tycker jag. Jag undrar om Michael någonsin kände sig osäker eller fick panikångest i sin kreativitet. Han verkade så självsäker hela tiden just på det här området. Men antagligen hände det naturligtvis... Jag menar, han ville ju så gärna, från ung ålder, bli bäst. Sådant är pressande.


Michael Jacksons bästa citat.


Syster: "Skulle du kunna bli attraherad av en kille med långt hår?"
Syster: "Jag glömde"


"She used to say I had beautiful hands. And I always wondered why... Don't all hands look alike?" ~ Michael talar om Rose Fine.



New ebay auction for a personal video of Michael Jackson with his kids:


“Michael Jackson never before seen various years with Michael Jackson and his children home movies. This is color home movie with sound  approximately 60 minutes. It shows Michael and his kids in Africa, Parts filmed at Neverland Ranch and other countries throughout the world.  Filmed on 8mm video tape. It starts with the birthday party for Prince  third birthday showing Michael, Prince, Paris, Macauly Culkin playing  and opening gifts and singing Happy Birthday. Also shows various years  to 2000 with Michael arm wrestling,on a Jet Ski, Sword Fighting with  Star Wars Light Savers, Reading a book to Paris and Prince, Talking and  playing with his kids. Spending time with Paris and Prince in his hotel  room in Germany and other countries. This auction of the tape does not  and will not include the purchase or transfer of any copyrights to the content  filmed on the tape nor does the auction imply the copyrights to the  content will be given,transferred or licensed. This auction is only for  the tape itself. The quality is very good.”


Källa: ebay



Michael Jackson accepts an AMA, as Angela Bofill tries to keep her shit together behind him because he’d just kissed her on the cheek.
Hahahaha, spela cool, Angela.



I större format.





"If you are my fan I consider you as my family, blood related."






När Michael hade överhåret i en snodd >>>>





Wow, tack, Wilma, för tipset av denna hyllningsvideo av fans. Ska definitivt se den nu på en gång!




När en fråga gällande Michael Jackson kommer i frågesport.


Emma: Tack så mycket för tipset. Tittade på den med min mamma och pappa tittade förbi då och då. Tycker verkligen den här dokumentären är den bästa om Michael, för här får du alla bevis en människa kan behöva för att se Michaels oskyldighet till dessa hemska anklagelser. Detta är en dokumentär alla människor som tvivlar på honom borde se, för ingen, absolut ingen kan tro på anklagelserna efter denna dokumentär. Jag var säker redan innan, då jag vet mycket om Michael och han är min idol osv, men denna ska alla se om jag fick bestämma. Jag skiter fullständigt i om folk inte tycker om hans musik eller inte tycker att han var en så stor artist. Där får man tycka som man vill. Det folk måste förstå är att han var en person med ett större hjärta än många. Det fanns inget ont i den här mannen och jag är så sjukt jävla arg och ledsen för att så många tror det, pga att de aldrig orkat bry sig att ta reda på sanningen. Även om Michael blev frikänd, så var skadan redan gjord, den blev gjord efter första anklagelsen, för är man så känd som han var, då kommer media att skita i sanningen totalt och krama så mycket pengar ur det som möjligt. Det enda med hans död som jag tycker är bra, är att han nu slipper vara i denna jävliga värld som aldrig egentligen förtjänat en man som honom. Jag bara önskar att jag kunde ge honom en kram så stor att han skulle glömma allt det hemska som hände honom.
Håller med dig fullständigt. <333







*Viskvisk*... Ett år kvar bara till Dangerous 25, nu när det är nytt år... Aaaaahhhh! (Hoppas att det kommer alltså...)




"She got it" spelades in för Dangerous, men klarade inte att hamna på albumet slutligen.




TV6 visar Michael Jackson: The life of an icon klockan 14:50 idag. Kul!



Gott nytt år på er! Såg ni att Sjuan visade Moonwalker på TV fem minuter efter tolvslaget? Jag sa till mamma "Ännu ett fantastiskt år att älska denna människa!" och det är det. Livet blir lite mer värt att leva på grund av att han fanns.
En anonym kommenterade att hen inte gillar nyår längre eftersom det betyder ännu ett år sedan hans hjärta bankade. Jag förstår det till tusen, men samtidigt tycker jag så här: visst, jag hade inte lyckan att uppleva mycket av hans karriär, för jag var inte född då, att jag inte hade chansen att jaga biljetter till hans första konsert i Sverige och vara framför TV:n tillsammans med miljoner andra människor för världspremiären av videon till "Black or white" osv, men sedan tänker jag att det är fantastiskt att jag är en av de som får hans arv att leva vidare, för det var en av hans största drömmar, att hans konst skulle leva vidare. Och vi har det privilegiumet.
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