The glove, the white socks, the red leather jacket – who came up with those things?
The glove was just – I thought one was cooler than two. I love to accent movement. The eye goes to where the white is – you know, the glove. And the feet, if you're dancing, you can put an exclamination point on your movement if it has a bit light on it. So I wore the white socks. And for the design of the jacket, I would sit with the people who made the clothes and tell them where I wanted a button or a buckle or a design. But I don't wear that look anymore. It's sad to get caught up in the past. That's why I don't put awards in my house. No gold records, No Grammys. They are in storage. I don't like to be puffed up with pride, 'cause I'd feel like I don't have anymore things to reach for. And that's not true. (1999)