"The lyrics of 'Beat it' express something I would do if I were in trouble. Its message – that we should abhor violence – is something I believe deeply. It tells kids to be smart and avoid trouble. I don't mean to say you should turn the other cheek while someone kicks in your teeth, but, unless your back is agains the wall and you have absolutely no choice, just get away before violence breaks out. If you fight and get killed, you've gained nothing and lost eveything. You're the loser, and so are the people who love you. That's what 'Beat it' is supposed to get across. To me, true bravery is setting differences without a fight and having the wisdom to make that solution possible."
Johanna - A dream as model ♥ | Datum: 2013-10-06 Tid: 00:33:25
fin blogg :)
Haha | Datum: 2013-10-06 Tid: 16:17:15
Asså kolla på den här tyska intervjuen , publiken skriker ända från början till typ 5 minuter då han äntligen ska säga 2 ord " Well, what happend was.." och så bryter allt ut igen :')