"…I just want to say something, and I don’t know if you want to hear this, but I just have to say it because it’s on my heart. But people bother you—
Because they love you. That’s the only reason why. When you do something that people don’t necessarily understand, they’re going to make it into a bigger problem than they would for anybody else because you’re one of the most amazing talents that’s ever lived. You’ve accomplished and achieved more in this century than most any other men.
What you do is so amazing. When you are 100 years old, and they’re still making up things about what you’ve done to this and what you’ve done to that on your body—please believe me, if you decided you wanted to dip your whole body in chrome, you are so amazing that the world, no matter what they say, is going to be right there to see it. And that is because of what you have achieved in the music world, and in changing people’s lives. People are having children to your songs. You’ve affected the world.
…If I never work with you, just know that you are unstoppable. That’s why I said, when you’re 100 years old and you decide to dip your entire body in chrome, as much as they say things—and I don’t care what they say about you, sir—they’re going to be right there to see it."
~ Pharrell Williams till Michael Jackson
Läste nyss hela intervjuen, och det konstiga är att det faktiskt var Michael som skulle intervjuat Pharell och inte tvärtom!
I alla fall, det var sjukt "mysigt" att läsa när han sa saker som " I hope I can be half as dope as you one day" och "You are awesome man " till honom! Det är ju precis sånna saker man själv alltid velat säga! :D