När Michael blev tillfrågad att göra reklamer för Pepsi fanns det ett problem: Michael drack inte Pepsi, eftersom han inte gillade det. Pepsi-folket förklarade att han inte behövde dricka det eller bli filmad drickandes det, så Michael tackade till slut ja till erbjudandet.
Jermaine berättade denna historia tillsammans med fotot ovan:
“During the tour there was a funny moment which would have given the Pepsi executives a heart attack had they witnessed it. Michael was in his dressing room one day when he decided to grind a can into a plate of food, poured Pepsi all over it like gravy, and then posed for a photo: a close up of his sequined glove presenting his ‘dish’. If ever there was an image that summed up both his devilish humour and the difference between Brand Michael and the real Michael, that might have been it.”
Isabelle | Datum: 2014-01-23 Tid: 15:14:55
Haha, hade jag ingen aning om xD