Is it hard to forget about that, though? The spotlight, the superstardom. I mean, your name is probably up there with Muhammed Ali, or higher. You're known everywhere. As you said, you can't go outside. Everybody knows Michael Jackson. Is it hard not to take yourself seriously?
Mmm.. No, it's pretty easy for me, because... uh... so many things I block out. Uh... I see myself like you, or like the people in this room. I'm human, just like you are. I'm no better than you are. I mean, we have a certain talent, with my art and song-writing and dancing and the drama and the whole thing, the show-business-thing. But as far as human, I'm just like you. It's no right for me to think I'm better than you or have an ego to walk on air, because there are lots of people in my field, who are like that, and most of those people, they... they fall. They really do. Because they begin to treat people who helped them badly, and they forget where the came from. It's real important, that's why I thank all those, I thank everybody.

Sofia | Datum: 2014-05-18 Tid: 17:37:15

Skulle vilja visa detta för min mamma då hon tror att Michael fick hybris. Hon har sett bilderna på tavlan där han "krönts till riddare" och läst nåt i någon skvallerblaska. Jag försöker förklara för henne att han verkligen INTE var ego överhuvudtaget! Herregud, han var ju liksom den enda kändisen som inte krävde en låda med vita kattungar så fort han skulle resa. Det gör mig bara så förbannad att jag inte har någon video att visa henne där han typ säger saker som ovanstående! Du kanske har sett någon? :)

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Publicerat det: 2014-05-18 | Klockan: 17:07:00 | Kategori: MJ svarar


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