(För större bild, klicka här)
Biljetterna har åtta unika designer, de är i 3D och kan skifta i bild. Framsidan av biljetten består av en bild i 3D, och på baksidan finns detaljer som artistens namn, turnéns namn, konsertdag, plats, section number, row number och seat number.
Jag ville visa en bild på de åtta olika biljetterna som skulle ha gått till konserterna This is it. Jag tycker alla åtta designer är underbara och så snygga! Jag har den lila biljetten längst ner till vänster på bilden, den kan ni se på bild här.
Det finns faktiskt en liten historia bakom min biljett till This is it — Det hade visst blivit något fel när min syster hade satt att vi ville ha tillbaka en av fyra biljetter. Och det var väldigt nära att jag fick tillbaka pengarna istället för biljetten, men min syster räddade situationen genom mejl:
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2009 16:56:45
Dear Customer,
Our records indicate that you have submitted a request form for your Michael Jackson booking. Unfortunately, some of the information that you have entered is not vaild so we were unable to process your request. Therefor, please resubmit your request via www.michael ensuring that all information, including your reference number, is enteres correctly. If you no longer have your reference number, you will be able to locate it from the confirmation email that you received at te time of purchase or, alternatively, please contact us via the Customer Services link at and we shall be happy to assist.
Best regards,
Ticketmaster Customer Services Team.
Sent: 27 september 2009 10:13
Okey, thanks for the information! I've started to wonder wheter we were going to get a refund or not. But won't we be able to receive the actual tickets now? I did, however, send in my first request before the expiring date, august 14. (This has to be possible!)
Best regards.
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2009 10:17:15
Thanks for your email.
You selected neither option when you submitted your original request so we were unable to interpret it. Unfortunately souvenir tickets are no longer available but you can still claim a full refund. If you would prefer, please let me know and I shall be happy to submit the refund request on your behalf.
Best regards,
Sent: 28 september 2009 12.58
Hi Tom,
But in my original request I selected that I wanted 1 souvenir ticket and a full refund for the rest 3 tickets. My Michael Jackson-obsessed-sister will kill me if I've screwed that up (the one souvenir ticket was for her)...
But will I have to fill in a new request all the way or is it any particular information you're missing?
And please, I chose 1 souvenir ticket in the first request, before the expiring date.
Best regards.
Date: Mon, 28 sep 2009 14:50:49
Thanks for your email.
I have double checked your request and you definitely did not select any option when you submitted. As stated, souvenir tickets are no longer avilable. You need to submit a completley new form at or please let me know and I shall do this for you if you prefer.
Best regards,
Sent: 29 september 2009 17:17
Please Tom, I just made my little sister cry when telling her. We need ONE TICKET. We're desperate and can pay whatever prize it will cost us. Please, it was his last show and our only chance to actually own a ticket.
Please, take a look at my little sisters blog and you'll see were devastated...
What have you done with the tickets that are left? Thrown them? Please, send us one. Or we can come get them.
Best regards.
Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2009 17:19:31 +0100
We have arranged a souvenir ticket for you. This and the refund on the other tickets will be processed for you over the next few weeks.
Best regards,
Date: Fri, 2 Oct 2009 15:28:52 +0200
Oh, thank you so much! Now you made us cry again - of happiness of course!
I can't tell you how grateful we are. Thank you, best Tom!
Best regards.
okejokej,ser tv.9
Oj vilken lång historia :D hur gammal är du!?
Åh jag vill ha en biljett! :(((((
fråga något i min frågestund? :)
tuffa biljetterna var!
hej! fin blogg:D
jJaamen :D
Och gillar MJ såå mkt :D det är braaa!!! :)
kan du inte röst om du har lust!!! :D
PÖÖSS SÖtis!!!
Sv: tack detsamma! tycker om din blogg!