Jag hoppas att Cirque kommer till Sverige med Michael Jackson ONE! Hoppas de far ut på en världsturné som de gjorde med Immortal.
Michael Jackson was worried that he would die while preparing for the comeback tour that he didn't live long enough to take.
The late pop singer's oldest son, 16-year-old Prince Jackson, testified on Wednesday in L.A. that his dad often confided in him, although he was only 12, at the time he died in 2009, according to CNN.
"After he got off the phone, he would cry," Prince said on the first day of his testimony in his family's lawsuit accusing concert promoter AEG Live of wrongful death. "He would say 'They're going to kill me, they're going to kill me.'"
Prince explained that his father was referring to AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips and his ex-manager, Dr. Tohme Tohme.
He also testified that Phillips and Dr. Conrad Murray, Michael's former physician who was convicted of involuntary manslaughter in Michaels' death, had what appeared to be a tense confrontation the night before he died on June 25 of an overdose of the anesthetic propofol.
Although Prince noted he couldn't hear what was being said, he could see Phillips grabbing Murray's elbow.
"It looked aggressive to me," Prince said under oath. "He was grabbing by the back of his elbow and they were really close and he was making hand motions."
The teen said under cross-examination from AEG Live's lead lawyer Marvin Putnam that the incident may have taken place a night earlier than he first stated, but reaffirmed what took place.
The Associated Press reports Prince testified that, at times, Michael gave him and his 15-year-old sister Paris stacks of $100 bills to give to Murray, which Prince understood to be payment that AEG Live had not yet given the doctor. Murray wouldn't accept the funds from Michael, Prince said.
Again, speaking about his father's final hours, Prince revealed that his last words to his dad were exchanged over the phone: Prince called Michael, who was at his final rehearsal for the tour, from the security guard shack outside to notify him that Phillips was at their home, and Michael instructed him to offer Phillips refreshments.
Although Prince revealed Michael always received his treatments from Dr. Murray behind his closed bedroom door, he did see Murray perform CPR on Michael while he was hanging off his bed while his eyes appeared to roll back into his head on the day he died.
Prince also spoke about his younger siblings, Paris and 11-year-old Blanket, and their life with the "Beat It" singer. He showed photos and video of the family together and insisted that the children didn't comprehend their father's fame until they watched a video of one of his concerts and saw fans taken away on stretchers after they got too excited.
"We always listened to his music, but we never knew how famous he was," Prince said.
Four years after Michael's death, Prince said Jackson's children — especially Paris — are still suffering. Michael's daughter was hospitalized for a suicide attempt earlier this month, and is currently receiving psychiatric treatment at UCLA Medical Center, although she had been expected to be called to testify in the trial as well.
"I think out of all of my siblings she was probably hit the hardest because she was my dad's princess," he said, adding that Paris struggled to cope when she was questioned by AEG Live lawyers in March in preparation for the trial.
Prince explained that he also has been affected.
"I can't sleep at night," Prince confessed. "I have a hard time sleeping."
And because of Michael's death, Prince noted that he was "emotionally distant from a lot of people" for some time, and he missed sharing milestones with his father, such as "the first day of going to school, having the first girlfriend, being able to drive."
Of the three Jackson kids, only Blanket still celebrates his birthday, Prince explained, adding, "Right now, I don't know if Blanket realizes what he lost. He was so young. He is still growing up just like I am and he doesn't have a father to guide him."
Källa: omg.
"Michael is a generous, honest and sensitive human being, filled with amazing insight and the capacity for love. If this is weird, I want to go live on another planet." ~ Karen Faye
Här är en till video jag hittade.
Det har visats flera privata hemvideor i domstolen mot AEG. Detta är två av de klipp som visats!
Prince Jackson just testified ... Dr. Conrad Murray informed them of Michael Jackson's passing by glibly announcing, "Sorry kids. Dad's dead."
Prince has taken the stand in the Jackson family's wrongful death lawsuit against AEG, saying all he and his siblings could do was cry after hearing the news.
Prince said he recalled being in the sitting room of the Holmby Hills mansion when his father went into cardiac arrest on June 25th, 2009. Prince said he heard screams and Murray summoned him upstairs, where Prince saw his father "half hanging out of the bed" while Murray administered CPR.
He said Paris was hit the hardest by her dad's death, screaming that she "wanted her daddy" while Murray was trying to resuscitate him.
Prince said, "She was my dad's princess. She definitely is dealing with [his death] in her own way."
As we reported, Paris has sunken into a deep and dangerous depression recently, stemming from her father and his death.
Haha, lägger upp detta enbart för att LL Cool J säger att hans favoritkändis är Michael Jackson. ;)
Prince Jackson -- Michael Jackson
's eldest son -- told jurors today in the wrongful death case, Michael Jackson had such problems with AEG he would cry and say, "They're gonna kill me ... they're gonna kill me."
Prince testified his dad was amped over the "This Is It" tour but felt he needed more time to rehearse. Apparently, AEG and MJ got into it during phone conversations and the calls made Michael break down in tears.
Prince also testified AEG honcho Randy Phillips came over to the house several times and he saw Phillips aggressively grab Dr. Conrad Murray by the elbow, as if to school him.
Prince got personal and talked about how involved Michael was in his kids' lives -- something that's highly relevant in a wrongful death case in assessing damages. He told the jury about how MJ loved home videos -- one showing Prince on a little car as Paris talked into a mic while "Daddy's Home" (a Jackson 5 song) played in the background.
Prince also said the day MJ went into full cardiac arrest at his home, Paris was screaming that she wanted her daddy. Prince says Dr. Murray announced at the house that MJ was dead from a heart attack.
The point of the testimony -- lawyers for the Jackson family are trying to prove AEG pushed Michael mercilessly and that, combined with Murray's bad medicine, cost MJ his life.
"People may be wondering why there is such an emotional outburst, but you would have to understand the journey of Michael to understand what he meant to all of us. Michael made us love each other! Michael taught us to stand with each other! There are those that like to dig around mess, but millions around the world, we are going to uphold his message. It's not about mess, it's about his love message.
Michael rose to the top. He out-sang his cynics. He out-danced his doubters. He outperformed the pessimists. Every time he got knocked down, he got back up. Every time you counted him out, he came back in. Michael never stopped! Michael never stopped! Michael never stopped!
I want his three children to know, wasn't nothing strange about your daddy. It was strange what your daddy had to deal with, but he dealt with it... He dealt with it anyway. He dealt with it for us.
Thank you because you never stopped. Thank you because you never gave up. Thank you because you never gave out. Thank you because you tore down our divisions. Thank you because you eradicated barriers. Thank you because you gave us hope. Thank you, Michael, thank you, Michael, thank you, Michael!" ~ Rev. Al Sharpton
Fyra år sedan en legend, far, vän och filantrop gick bort. Alla kommer ihåg var de befann sig när de fick höra nyheten. Det var ett sådant ögonblick då hela världen tog en djupt andetag tillsammans, chockade över händelsen. Vi saknar och älskar dig Michael!
"Michael Jackson accomplished everything he dreamed of." ~ Berry Gordy
Tror inte AEG kommer vinna när Prince berättar att Michael inte ens kunde gå uppför en trappa efter repititioner. Herregud...
MJ har kallat Justin Timberlake för "The Prince of Pop".
Hittade precis denna video! Paris berättar om deras förra barnsköterska Grace Rwaramba, den 21 mars. Ignorera allt i början och i slutet av videon.
Taj Jackson gifte sig i helgen och här är några bilder därifrån!
"I pray my children will say: 'Our daddy was a warm and decent man, who tried to give us all the love in the world.'"
1984 anklagade ett amerikanskt bibliotek Michael för att vara skyldig dem en miljon dollar för förfallna böter, men att biblioteket skulle stryka böterna om han lämnade tillbaka böckerna med hans autograf i varje bok.
I Michaels "High School Yearbook" var han framröstad som "Shyest", "Best Dressed" och "Most Creative".
Detta är i Hayvenhurst, där Katherine och Joe bodde i över fyrtio år; dit de flyttade när Jackson 5 slog igenom. De flyttade efter Michaels bortgång, eftersom det fanns så många minnen vilket Katherine "led av".
Anja: "Haha, han är awesome! :D På youtube finns videor där han gör röstövningar, det är legendariskt! Lyssna xD"
Tack, Anja! Har lagt ut en längre version av denna uppvärmning av rösten tidigare, men i den fanns inte läppövningarna i början (
här!). Toppkommentarerna till videon på YouTube:
"What a stunning voice. So underrated as a singer, because his dancing is so phenomenal."
"Michael wearing Michael... This was due to Michael needing a shirt before he was leaving somewhere and all his things were packed up. I had this shirt and I brought it to him, as a joke. But he put it on." ~ Nancy Malnik
"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
En av Michaels favoritdrycker var en smoothie av apelsiner och morötter.
Jag har ju meddelat detta tidigare, att familjen Jackson är nu i domstolen med AEG live (konsertarrangörerna för This is it). Katherine och hennes advokaters anklagelse är:
"AEG hade legal duties to Michael Jackson to treat him safely and not put him in harm's way. But AEG, despite its knowledge of Michael Jackson's physical condition, breached those duties by putting its desire for massive profits from the tour over the health and safety of Michael Jackson."
Conrad Murray var inte personligen anställd av Michael, utan han utsågs som Michaels personliga läkare av AEG Live under turnén av This is it. Så Katherine tycker de borde hållas ansvariga.
Prince och Paris har vittnat, de har blivit utfrågade om Michaels sista dagar i livet. De har inte vittnat i domstolen, utan endast inför advokater. Enligt
RadarOnline så hade Prince det tufft under vittnandet och var tvungen att ta en paus. Paris imponerade advokaterna, enligt hemsidan tyckte de att "She is an extremely intelligent, compassionate and thoughtful young lady." De ska vittna mer.
Just nu förhörs AEG Live's chef, Randy Phillips. Det är bara att googla och läsa mer om detta. När det kommer mer information summerar jag det här på bloggen...
Kul att Michael och Russell Crowe var polare!
"I have lots of memories of my father. We were privileged because we had our dad and we had our house that we were living in. We knew he was a singer. I guess I got used to it. It just seemed normal to me at the time. He was an incredible father. We all loved him to death. He had that good energy where you just didn't want to leave. Like, you're always just comfortable with him. Literally every time he would leave the room I'd say 'I love you,' because I'd be scared of what could happen. You know, I've seen way too many movies. He wanted the best for us. He always made sure we were healthy. He made sure we stuck to school. He'd try to educate us as much as he could and was always looking out for us. He was very protective. The masks were his idea. He didn't want anyone to see what we looked like. That way we could have what he didn't, which was a normal childhood." ~ Paris Jackson
Inte Paris som har skrivit detta, så tänkte att jag inte skulle bry mig. Men vad händer? Mot slutet har jag tårar på kinderna.
Paris fördes till sjukhus inatt, amerikansk tid. Ett misstänkt självmordsförsök. Läs mer på
Aftonbladet. :'(
Katherine har meddelat Entertainment Tonight; "Being a sensitive 15-year-old is difficult no matter who you are. It is especially difficult when you lose the person closest to you."
Lovar att uppdatera här på bloggen om detta så fort mer information kommer (uppdaterar i detta inlägg).
Enligt Aftonbladet skrev hon ett självmordsbrev... Läs mer
Paris ville inte dö, utan det var ett rop på hjälp, enligt poliserna. Läs mer på
Posh 24.
Marilyn Manson tillägnade låten "Disposable teens" till Paris under hans konsert i Los Angeles. Läs mer på
Ni kan se
denna video på TMZ där Tito säger att familjen mår bra.
I alla fall tre stycken svarade på mina nyfikna frågor (är besviken på er andra läsare... nä! tycker om er ändå! <3). Men jag tänkte göra ett inlägg med vad de tyckte! Skriver mina också, mehe. Tack för att ni tog er tid och svarade. <3
Sorgligaste respektive lyckligaste låten
Emma: "Sorgligaste låtarna för mig är nog någon utav 'Man in the mirror', 'You are not alone' eller 'She's out of my life'. Lyckligaste... Hm, lika svår den, haha, men skulle nog säga 'Rock with you' och Jackson 5-låten 'ABC' :)"
Felicia: "Sorgligaste låt: 'Have u seen my childhood?' Han sa också att det var hans ärligaste låt som han hade släppt ut. Sedan lyckligaste är ju 'Heal the world' ofc, man känner hur glad MJ blir när han sjunger den låten."
Isabelle: "Ärligaste låten är 'Childhood' och sorgligaste är 'She's out of my life'. 'Rock with you' är en väldigt glad låt, även 'Shake your body' och 'The way you make me feel'."
Jag: Den sorgligaste låten för mig är "Don't walk away", då han sjunger 'All my dreams been broken' gör lite ont i hjärtat varje gång. Den lyckligaste är även den från Invincible, 'You are my life', detta på grund av att han sjunger till sina barn och den är liksom bara innerligt lycklig.
Emma: "Oj... Ingen aning! Älskar att titta på hans homevideos dock, man blir så glad av dem ^^".
Felicia: "Min favoritintervju är typ inte med någon för alla intervjuer människor ställer bara dumma/elaka frågor till han som gör han ledsen, och att se det gör mig väldigt arg liksom om du ska intervjua The King of Pop ställ roliga frågor!... Men kanske när han visar sina egna 'Home Videos'."
Isabelle: "Jag gillar att kolla på videos som inte är intervjuer. (Personer som Barbara Walters och Martin Bashir ställde idiotiska frågor under deras intervjuer)"
Jag: Håller med er alla. Hatar alla "de större" intervjuerna, med Barbara Walters, Martin Bashir, Diane Sawyer. Men jag gillar
denna och
denna bland annat.
Emma: "Favoritmusikvideo/film är 'Thriller', den är bara så... ah, helt enkelt perfekt!"
Felicia: "Min favoritmusikvideo är 'They don't care about us' för han vill väcka alla folk så dom ska se vad världen igentligen är. Han sjunger mkt om politik 6 illuminati där."
Jag: Hmm... Ja, alla. Det finns små ögonblick jag älskar i var och en. Typ då han sitter och äter popcorn i 'Thriller', haha. Och då han skriker 'You ain't bad, you ain't nothin'!' i "Bad" och jag älskar då han dansar med de afrikanska jägarna i "Black or white". Ja, ni fattar. Alla musikvideor är perfekta.
Topp 3 favorituppträdanden
Emma: "Älskar 'Smooth Criminal' från Dangerous turnén 1992, och hans framträdande i Live MTV Awards 1995 med låten 'Dangerous' och såklart när han framförde 'Billie Jean' för första gången live i Motown 25! :)"
Felicia: "Topp 3 framträdanden är 1) Superbowl 2) MTV 1995 sedan sista på hans 30th Anniversary år 2001."
Felicia: "Favoritlåtar är: 'Dangerous', 'Scream', 'They don't care abous us', 'PYT', 'Thriller', 'Bad', 'Jam', osv."
Jag: Tänker inte ens gå in på denna, för det slutar bara med att jag rabblar upp typ hälften av hela hans katalog, så..
Emma: "'Before you judge me, try hard to love' är ett utav favoriterna!"
Felicia: "Favoritcitat av han: 'To give someone a piece of your heart, is worth more than all the wealth in the world.' <3"
Isabelle: "Favoritcitat är: 'Always believe in yourself, no matter who's around you being negative or thrusting negative energy at you. Totally block it off, because whatever you believe, you become".
Jag: Min absoluta favorit är samma som Felicias. :) Och jag gillar väldigt mycket 'Don't be afraid to know who you are. You are much more than you ever imagined' och 'People don't look at themselves and point the finger, it's always the other guy's fault', osv.
"Let's just forget about the troubles of the world for one moment – open your mind to things that inspire you."
"You are not alone" i Göteborg under HIStory Tour 1997! Det är så kul att se fansens reaktioner när de får komma upp på scenen, haha!
"He wasn't ever really interested in money. I'd give him his share of a night's earning and the next day he'd buy ice cream or candy for all the kids in the neighbourhood." ~ Joe Jackson