- Michael, we're not going to fight about this, okay?
- Paul, I think I told you! I'm a lover, not a fighter.
- I've heard it all before, Michael. She told me that I'm her forever lover, you know, don't you remember?
- Well, after loving me, she said she couldn't love another.
- Is that what she said?
- Yes, she said it. You keep dreaming!
- I don't believe it!
- The girl is mine (mine, mine, mine)!
Jag ska försöka komma ihåg det sjukt bra en person sade om Michael när han visades på MTV för några dagar sedan (dock var det mycket bättre när man såg honom säga det, hehe). Översätter även till svenska.
"Det roliga med Michael Jackson var att man inte kunde placera honom i någon speciell genre och låta honom stanna där. Man kunde inte säga: Michael Jackson, soul-artisten! Nej, Michael Jackson, R&B-artisten! Nej, det funkar inte riktigt, nu vet jag - Michael Jackson, rock-artisten! Nej... Allt man kunde säga egentligen var - Michael Jackson, The King of Pop. Ingen annan gjorde det han gjorde. That's it."
(Anjelica Houston har bland annat spelat The Supreme Leader i Captain EO.)
"Jag träffade Michael på första dagen under repititionerna och jag blev helt överväldigad trots att jag visste om hans image sedan tidigare - hur otroligt söt och hur anspråkslös och hur oskyldig han var. Men när han sedan började arbeta började mitt hjärta slå snabbare och håret på armarna och i nacken stack rakt upp och han tog bokstavligen andan ur mig. Michael är den mest elektrifierade artisten som jag någonsin har sett. Jag tror att det var väldigt svårt för Michael att uttrycka ilska. Han var - måste jag säga - en av de mest artiga människor jag någonsin mött i mitt liv. Jag har aldrig hört Michael säga ett svärord, även när han var upprörd. Och jag tror att musiken var egentligen det enda sätt som hans känslor kunde komma igenom. Han brann för yrket som artist och jag har aldrig sett någon annan med en sådan talang som Michael, och jag har sett många duktiga artister.
Han var mycket missförstådd. Jag trodde aldrig på någon av de anklagelser eller insinuationer mot honom. Jag kommer ihåg en gång då vi åt lunch tillsammans och då pratade han just om det. Han sa att han kände sig som han hade knappast fått någon hjälp. Han sa att de ville ha ett blodprov. Jag tyckte så synd om Michael och jag kände verkligen hur hans hjärta hade brustit och hur dåligt han mådde på grund av anklagelserna."
~ Anjelica Houston
"When I started to rehearse with Michael Jackson, if you look closely at what Michael Jackson is really doing and you listen to the music - he is an instrument of music. And if you were deaf, you could not hear music, you look at him - you will see the music play in his body.
And that just changed my whole view of dance. Changed my whole point of view on life. Like, I don't know, I learned so much. Like, I was like, reborn in dance again."
~ Timor Steffens (en av dansarna i This is it).
En kung som försvann när han satte mitt hjärta i brand. Kung som kan dansa som tusen änglar. En kung som kan sjunga som ingen annan. En kung som har hjälpt våran planet och både barn och människor. En kung som gud hämtat för tidigt. En kung som är större än bara en kung. En kung vid namn Michael Jackson. Vi kommer alltid älska dig Michael i våra hjärtan.
Michael Jackson 1959-2009. En ängel...
Det finns ingen som du. Jag älskar dig. Du visade mig allt. Jag vet att du är på en underbar plats och att du mår bra. Du är en vacker ängel, du strålar från ovan och du kommer alltid fortsätta dansa från Himlen. Just nu moonwalkar du runt på molnen och skrattar ditt underbara skratt. Efter allt du har gjort för världen förtjänar du all kärlek vi kan ge dig. Du är också ett sann musikaliskt geni.Ingen kan skriva musik som du. Om musik kan förena länder ser vi beviset hos dig. Din musik är magisk. Du är helt enkelt Kungen av Pop och kommer alltid vara. Du kommer leva för all framtid i våra hjärtan. Love you more than words can say, I'll never let you part for you're always in my heart. ♥
"I remember the first time he called two years ago and said, 'Roberto, I would like to speak with you. I would like you to help me to change my image.' So this is at dinner in Las Vegas. People can say what they want, but he is Michael Jackson! He is so influential. He was the first with the black moccasins and white socks!"
~ Roberto Cavalli (berömd modedesigner)
"Michael Jackson is, indeed, an international favourite for all ages, an incredible force of incredible energy. In the art of music, he is a pacesetter for quality of production, in the vanguard for high standards of entertainment.
What makes Michael more unique may be fact that all of his accomplishments, his rewards, have not altered his sensitivity and concern for the welfare of others, or his intense caring and love for his family and friends, and especially all the children of the world over. He is filled with deep emotions that create an unearthly, special, innocent, childlike, wise man that is Michael Jackson. He is so giving of himself that, at times, he leaves very little to protect that beautiful inner core that is the essence of him. I think Michael appeals to the child in all of us. He has the quality of innocence that we would all like to obtain or have kept.
I think Michael is like litmus paper. He is always trying to learn. He has one of the sharpest wits, he is intelligent, and he is cunning - that is a strange word to use about him, because it implies deviousness and he is one of the least devious people I have ever met in my life.
Michael is highly intelligent, shrewd, intuitive, understanding, sympathetic, and generous to almost a fault of himself. He is honesty personified - painfully honest - and vulnerable to the point of pain. He is also very curious and wants to draw from people who have survived. People who have lasted. He is not really of this planet. If he is eccentric it's because he is larger than life.
What is a genius? What is a living legend? What is a megastar? Michael Jackson - that's all. And just when you think you know him, he gives you more...
There is no one that can come near him, no one can dance like that, write the lyrics, or cause the kind of excitement that he does. When I hear the name Michael Jackson, I think of brilliance, of dazzling stars, lasers and deep emotions. I think he is one of the world's biggest and greatest stars, and it just so happens that he is one of the most gifted music makers the world has ever known.
I think he is one of the finest people to hit this planet, and, in my estimation, he is the true King of Pop, Rock and Soul. I love you Michael."
~ Elizabeth Taylor
Jag heter Susanne, år 42 år och bor i Karlstad. För det första vill jag skänka dej en stor kram och lyckönskningar med ditt fortsatta jobb med din minnesblogg över Michael. Jag är kikar varje dag och du gör ett fantastiskt jobb och det märks att du lägger ner hela din själ och hjärta i bloggen! Dina föräldrar måste vara bra stolta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Så KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! Jag är säker på att Michael är i himlen och ler :)..........
"We have lost an incredible person. And I don't think we'll find a person as talented, a person who thought the way he thought, a person with the heart that Michael had - people aren't that way anymore. He was special. He wasn't God, but he was certainly god-like. He was the closest thing to a god that I knew. And I'm gonna miss that"
"All over the world today people are gathered in love viduals to celebrate the life of a man that taught the world how to love.
People may be wondering why there's such an emotional outburst. But you would have to understand the journey of Michael to understand what he meant to all of us. For these that sit here as the Jackson family - a mother and a father with nine children that rose from a working class family in Gary, Indiana. They had nothing but a dream.
No one believed in those days that this kind of dream could come true, but they kept on believing and Michael never let the world turn him around from his dreams. I first met Michael around the 1970 Black Expo, Chicago, Illinois. Rev. Jesse Jackson, who stood by the family till now, and from that day as a cute kid to this moment, he never gave up dreaming. It was that dream that changed culture all over the world. When Michael started, it was a different world. But because Michael kept going, because he didn't accept limitations, because he refused to let people decide his boundaries. He opened up the whole world.
In the music world; he put on one glove, pulled his pants up and broke down the color curtain where now our videos are shown and magazines put us on the cover. It was Michael Jackson that brought Blacks and Whites and Asians and Latinos together. It was Michael Jackson that made us sing We Are The World and feed the hungry long before Live Aid.
Because Michael Jackson kept going; he created a comfort level where people that felt they were separate became interconnected with his music. And it was that comfort level that kids from Japan and Ghana and France and Iowa and Pennsylvania got comfortble enough with each other. Until later it wasn't strange to us to watch Oprah Winfrey on telivision. It wasn't strange to watch Tiger Wood golf. Those young kids grew up from being teenage, comfortable fans of Michael to being 40 years old and being comfortable to vote for a person of colour to be the President of the United States of America.
Michael did that! Michael made us love each other. Michael taught us to stand with each other. There are those that like to dig around mess. But millions around the world, we're going to uphold his message. It's not about mess, it's about his love message! As you climb up steep mountains, sometimes you scar your knee, sometimes you break your skin. But don't focus on the scars, focus on the journey. Michael beat them, Michael rose to the top. He out-sang his cynics, he out-danced his doubters; he out-perfomed the pessimists! Every time he got knocked down, he got back up. Every time you counted him out, he came back in. Michael never stopped! Michael never stopped! Michael never stopped!
I want to say to Mrs. Jackson and Joe Jackson, his sisters and brothers; we thank you for giving us someone that taught us love, someone that taugh us hope. We want to thank you because we know it was your dream too. And we know that your heart is broken. I know you have some comfort from the letter from the President of the United States and Nelson Mandela. But this was your child. This was your brother. This was your cousin. Nothing will fill your hearts lost. But I hope the love that people are showing will make you know he didn't live in vain. I want his three children to know: wasn't nothing strange about your Daddy. It was strange about what your Daddy had to deal with. But he dealt with it! He dealt with it anyway. He dealt with it for us.
So, some came today, Mrs Jackson, to say goodbye to Michael. I came to say thank you; Thank you because you never stopped. Thank you because you never gave up. Thank you because you never gave out. Thank you because you tore down our divisions. Thank you because you eradicated barriers. Thank you because you gave us hope. Thank you Michael! Thank you Michael! Thank you Michael!"
"I do know that God is good. And I do know as much as we may feel - and we do -
that we need Michael here with us, God must have needed him far more"
~ Stevie Wonder
I must say though that he did have two personalities. Off stage he was shy, soft spoken and childlike. But when he took the stage infront of his screaming fans he turned into another person...
- a master! I mean, Michael was awsome! Totally in charge. In fact the more I think and talk about Michael Jackson I feel the King of Pop is not big enough for him. I think he is simply... I think he is simply the greatest entertainer that ever lived! Michael, thank you. Thank you for the joy. Thank you for the love. You will live in my heart forever. I love you.